Depending on the payment method that you choose, please see the details below:
- Payment condition of Direct Deposit (Bank Transfer)
Agoda typically releases your payout automatically about 1-3 days after the guest has checked out. The bank account status must be approved and payment condition must be set to autopay.
If this is your first reservation, we may hold your payouts for 30 days after your first guest’s departure. If you receive another reservation before your first guest payout date, the same 30-day payout condition will be applied. This is to allow time to detect any possible fraudulent activities.
After the 1st guest payout date releases, all future bookings will be paid 24 hours after guest check-out.
You can verify the completed payment transactions (remittance) and details on the Bookings & Earnings section of your listing.
- Payment condition of Paypal
Agoda typically releases your payout to your Paypal account within 24hours after the guest has checkedout. The Paypal account status must be set to active.
If this is your first reservation, we may hold your payouts for If you receive another reservation before your first guest departs, the same 30-day payout condition will be applied. This is to allow time to detect any possible fraudulent activities.
After the 30-day payout condition has passed, all future bookings will be paid out 24 hours after the guest check-out.
- Payment condition of UPC (Universal Payment Card)
You will receive the Agoda virtual credit card along with the booking details. This card gives you access to the exact amount, and you can charge the card on the check-out date and up to 3 months after the check-out date (Be sure to check the expiration date on the card).