First, we suggest searching for the answer to your question on the Help Center as the answer may already be in one of the articles. However, if you still need help, we have prepared multiple platforms where you can reach out to us directly with your concerns.
Shall you have inquiries on the Host Manage platform, Payment, Website content, and Rate calculations, please contact our accommodation services team by clicking here. Kindly fill in the subject line and all required details. The support team is available Monday to Friday, and the response time is usually within 3-5 business days
Alternatively, you can chat with our accommodation services team in Agoda Homes Chat. This chat feature is available only on the desktop when property is already live. Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:30 BKK Time.
Furthermore, you can reach our support team by phone:
Country |
Number |
Australia |
61 2 8023 8700 |
Bahrain |
973 1 619 6663 |
Brazil |
55 11 4280 5293 |
China |
86 4006 366 878 |
China Quantum Hotel |
86 4008 190 487 |
France |
33 185 148 160 |
Germany |
49 698 679 9065 |
Hong Kong |
852 3071 1203 |
Hungary |
36 1 429 2235 |
India |
0008000501621 |
Indonesia |
62 21 2561 7998 |
Israel |
972 7 22713347 |
Italy |
39 02 3859 1358 |
Japan |
81 3 6743 8525 |
Macau |
853 6262 5206 |
Malaysia |
60 3 2053 1870 |
New Zealand |
64 9339 1655 |
Philippines |
63 2 8 540 0982 |
Russia |
7 495 705 9248 |
Saudi Arabia |
966 11 486 8367 |
Singapore |
65 6329 7539 |
South Africa |
27 11 844 6065 |
South Korea |
82 26 022 2445 |
Spain |
34 91 754 7013 |
Taiwan |
886 2 7750 7799 |
Thailand |
66 2016 4101 |
971 4319 7493 |
UK |
44 203 564 7948 |
1 929 270 4046 |
Vietnam |
84 28 4458 2392 |
If you have urgent booking-related issues regarding amendments, cancellations, guest contacts, or refunds, call us at the Agoda Hotline in your country as soon as possible. This number is found in the booking confirmation you’ve received. Make sure you have your Agoda Booking ID and Hotel ID available as your customer service representative will need it to help you with your issue. You may also send your inquiries to
Note: The Agoda Hotline number is for booking issues only - not general inquiries or tech support.
June 11, 2021