There’s a few reasons you may not have received payment yet.
- You have not yet set up your bank account for the property yet
You will need to complete the bank account setup for each of your properties; if you have multiple properties, you’ll need to fill in the bank settings for each one individually. To fill in your bank account information, go to Edit Listing in the Host Portal, then click on the Payment Accounts tab.
- Your bank account status is pending
If your bank account status is pending, you may not have submitted the required documents to yet, or our team has not yet reviewed your property listing. If you’ve emailed the documents and still haven’t been paid after 3 to 5 days, please re-send the email with “follow-up” added to the subject line.
- The 30-day payout window has not passed yet
Ordinarily, payment is issued 24 hours after guest checkout. However, if this is the first time your property has been booked, there will be a 30-day hold until payment is processed. The 30-day payout window allows us to protect your guests and drive bookings for you. If you receive any further bookings made before the conclusion of the first 30 days payment, the same 30-day payout policy will be applied too.
- Autopay hasn’t been activated yet
Until you’ve activated the autopay feature, each payment has to be processed individually by request. To approve payments individually, follow these steps:
- Within the Host Portal, click on Edit Listing for your property.
- Click on the Payment Accounts tab
- Within the Approve pending payouts section of Manage account, click on Release Payouts
- Here you’ll have the option to click the box next to the booking you’d like to get paid for. You can select as many bookings as are listed.