Pricing is the most important factor for guests when they are looking for accommodation. In addition to setting a competitive nightly price for your property, we encourage you to utilize our wide range of promotional discounts to make your property more attractive. Unlike channel discounts which are user-specific, promotional discounts are available to all potential guests.
To set up attractive promotions, you may either select any of the available templates (see full list here) or design customized promotions by filling in these details:
- Promotion name: Name this promotion to help you differentiate from other existing promotions.
- Stack-able promotion toggle: This feature allows you to combine the benefit of this promotion with other existing promotions for the overlapping dates. In another word leave it untick if you want to avoid stacking two promotions together.
- Date range: Use this feature to set the sale and stay dates for the promotion. Sale dates are booking dates when the traveler will be able to receive the discount. Stay dates are the guest check-in and check-out dates during which the guest may be eligible for the promotion.
- Minimum/maximum length of stay: This feature allows you to define the number of nights a guest must book in order to be eligible for the promotion. A great example is when you want to provide discounts for long stays!
- Minimum/maximum number of days in advance: This feature allows you to create early-bird promotions to capture bookings early or run some last-minute promotions.
- Customer can book/check-in on: This field allows you to make the promotion available only for certain days of the week. An excellent way to reduce your property’s price and encourage more bookings on off-peak days!
- Booking time from/to: This is the start and end timing of the promotion. It is dependent on your property’s local time.
- External code: This is a free-text field that can be used to capture reference codes from similar promotions run on a Channel manager (if your property is connected to one).
- Discount types: You may toggle between a percent discount on the nightly price or a specific amount in your property’s local currency.
- Minimum number of rooms: We encourage you to set this to 1 unless you have a multi-unit property.
- Apply discount on: This field allows you to specify whether the discount will be applied on every night or only on certain nights.
- Choose which restrictions to add: Add restrictions based on traveler type/customer segments, cancellation policy, or blackout dates if required. However, remember that the more restrictions you add, the less appealing the promotion becomes to travelers.
Note: if you want to exclude any active rate channel from this promotion please Contact us
Update on Web
To set up promotions, go to the Listings page and click Pricing & Availability. Then, go to Promotion Setup on the left panel. Clicking on this will redirect you to our YCS system where you can click on +Create a New Promotion to access the various promotion templates.
September 14, 2020: Choose an available promotional template or set up a custom promotion
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
Update on App
To set up promotions, go to Listings, select the listing, and tap Settings. Then go to the Promotions section to choose a suggested promotion template or swipe all the way to the right and select Additional Promotions to explore more promotion types. Once you have chosen a promotion and filled in all the details, tap Apply to activate.
September 14, 2020