We encourage that you research the neighborhood where your property is located and get an idea of how similar properties are priced. Similar properties may be found by comparing the number of bedrooms, maximum occupancy and key amenities. This will help you understand the best price you could offer for your property.
In case you have missed any of the details, here are some quick tips:
- Adjust the nightly price.
- Enroll your property in exclusive channel discounts.
- Create some promotions such as First 3 Guests, Last Minute, Long Stays, and Early Bird.
- If you are unable to find a promotion template that works for you, simply create a custom promotion.
Occasionally, we remind you to add promotions by giving you quick boosters on your action dashboard.
Update on Web
To see your boosters, simply go to the Overview page.
September 14, 2020
Update on App
To see your boosters, simply go to the Overview page.
September 14, 2020