Agoda Homes is updating the Terms and Conditions of our agreement with your property and making them easier for you to understand. The updated Terms and Conditions will come into effect on 31 May 2020.
Your continued use of Agoda Homes services after the update comes into effect will be deemed to be acceptance of them.
We encourage you to read the updated Terms and Conditions by logging into your Agoda Homes Host Management account on desktop or app at any time. We have also compiled a list of frequently asked questions for your reference.
If you have any further questions, contact us via the Support button on Host Management
Summary of Key Changes
Improved readability: These updated terms have been written in plain language to make them easier to understand. We have also reorganized the terms to group related concepts together and reduce duplication. The defined terms have also been grouped together and their definitions have been simplified.
Added clarity: We have clarified the terms and obligations relating to extranet account security, charging unique payment cards (UPC), tax and invoicing, and giving notice via the extranet.
Wider coverage: These terms now include updated terms about payment processing, dispute resolution, bookings facilitated by third parties, Agoda Collect & Property Collect obligations and fees for optional programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I view, print or download these Terms and Conditions?
A: You can view, print or download the Terms and Conditions from your listings through Host Management ( "Legal" -> "Contract on the left panel" ).
Q: What if I don’t accept the updated Terms and Conditions?
A: If you don’t agree to the updated Terms and Conditions, you can choose to end your relationship with us by terminating your agreement with us via the Support button.
Q: I have a question not covered here, who can I contact?
A: If you have any questions, you can contact us via the Support button.
Q: I manage multiple listings. Do I need to accept this for each listing individually or can I do it once?
A: This contract is per host base, by accepting this update it will automatically applied to all your listed properties.
Q: Is there a deadline by when I have to decide to accept or not?
A: The effective date of the new Terms & Conditions is set as 31 May 2020.